el-kezb ma loosh reglein >
Literal translation: Lies have no legs.
Hidden meaning: Lies will be discovered
Applicability: To comment on the fate of a lier
< yesoom, yesoom, we yefTer 3ala basala >
Literal translation: After fasting for so long, he feasts on an onion.
Hidden meaning:
Applicability: Expression of disappointment at an unexpectedly weak response!
el-manHoos manHoos walaow 3ala'u 3ala rasuh fanoos>
Literal translation: The unlucky will stay unlucky, even if they hang a
lantern on his head.
Hidden meaning: Luck cannot be sought
Applicability: Comment on somebody's continued efforts to break his/her lack
of lack!
Literal translation: Place the pot upside down, and the girl will take after
her mother.
Hidden meaning: A daughter will grow to be very similar to her mom
Applicability: Comment on the physical or character resemblance of mother and
Literal translation: Trusting men is like trusting that a strainer can keep
Hidden meaning: Men are not to be trusted
Applicability: Advice to women whose husbands might be cheating on them!
<'ussi reish Teirek la yeloof be GHeirek>
Literal translation: Cut your bird's feather, so that it doesn't leave you for
someone else.
Hidden meaning: Keep an eye on your spouse!
Applicability: Advice to men (women) to be possessive of his (her) spouse!
el-'ersh el-abyad yenfa@ fi el-youm el-eswed>
Literal translation: A white piaster will be of benefit on a black day.
Hidden meaning: You never know when savings might be needed
Applicability: Every penny counts!
Literal translation: Birds of all kinds will end up landing
Hidden meaning: Don't be fooled by appearances
Applicability: Same as english saying "birds of feather flock together"
Literal translation: Raise your voice otherwise their arguments will beat you!
Hidden meaning: When ideas fail, words (and loud voice) come in very handy.
Applicability: Same as english saying "the squeeky wheel gets the oil"
el-markeb elli feeha rayysein teGHra'
Literal translation: A boat with two captains will sink
Hidden meaning: You can't have to leaders for a group
Applicability: Same as english saying "too many cooks spoil the soup"
dari 3ala sham@tak te'eid
Literal translation: Protect the flame of your candle and it will light more!
Hidden meaning: Don't brag about your blessings otherwise you'll lose them
Applicability: Same as english saying "a cake watched never rise"
3asfoor fi el-yad aHsan men 3asharah 3ala el-shagara
Literal translation: A bird in hand is better than ten on a tree
Hidden meaning: Don't give up what you have for what is promised
Applicability: Obvious!
elli beitoh min 'ezaz, ma yeHadefsh el-nass bel Toob
Literal translation: If you live in a glass house, don't throw stones
Hidden meaning: What you do to others will be done to you
Applicability: Everyone is vulnerable
haza al-shebl men zaka al-asad
Literal translation: This baby from this lion
Hidden meaning: Kids inherit their parents stature
Applicability: Words of praise for a promising kid (same as english "a chip of
the old block")
Ebn el wezz 3awwam
Literal translation: The goose's (maybe swan's) son is a good swimmer
Hidden meaning: Like father like son (in a good sense)
Applicability: When a son is as gifted as his father in a certain aspect
be3eid 3an el-3ein, be3eid 3an el-'alb
Literal translation: out of sight, out of mind
Hidden meaning: Distance makes one forget old friendships/relationships
Applicability: Obvious
in GHab el-'ut, el3ab ya far
Literal translation: if the cat is away, the mice will play
Hidden meaning: When authority leaves chaos reigns
Applicability: Obvious
bab el-naggar mekhala3
Literal translation: The carpenter's door is loose
Hidden meaning: The expert does not apply his expertise to himself/herself
Applicability: When people neglect what they can do best in their home,
family, personal life, but do it only professionally
ekhTob le bentak wa matekhTobsh le ebnak>
Literal translation: Don't play matchmaker for your son but rather for your
Hidden meaning: It is not shameful for parents to talk about their daughters
and offer them as brides to trustworthy people
Applicability: It is customary for men to propose, so this is a saying
advocating that marriage (betrothal) proposals could come from either party.
Readily applied when parents find a good match for their daughter.
ma ye3geboosh el 3agab, wala'l siyaam fi ragab>
Literally: Wonders don't please him, nor does fasting in the month of Ragab
Hidden meaning: Criticism of someone who's impossible to please
Applicability: Comments on someone who's "blase" or who puts down
everything or everyone.
El bab elli yigi menno el reeH, seddo westareeH>
Literal translation: Block the door where the wind comes from, and relax
Hidden meaning: Don't dig for trouble; face your problems
Applicability: An advice to prevent potential problems when someone is
hesitating to solve a problem for good.
Elli yetlesse3 men el shorba yenfokh felzabadi>
Literal translation: This who burn his/her tounge when eating soup, will blow
in the yogurt.
Hidden meaning: The impact of bad experiences makes one weary.
Applicability: When someone get very suspicious because of a bad experience.
Egri garey elwehoosh, gher rezkak lan tehoosh>
Literal translation : Run as a beast, you will not get except your share.
Hidden meaning: You get what is yours
Applicability: When someone is working so hard for money.
Elganaze hara we elmaiet kalb>
Literal translation: The funeral is hot while the dead is a dog.
Hidden meaning: Trivial people can get a lot of attention.
Applicability: When a lot of fuss is made about a not so worthy person.
Delle ragel wala delle heta>
Literal translation: The shadow of a man is better than that of a wall.
Hidden meaning: It is better to have a man than not to.
Applicability: When a woman is about to marry a not so good man.
ma feesh dokhan men gher nar>
Literal translation: There is no smoke without fire.
Hidden meaning: Rumours are always based on something.
Applicability: When someone tries to completely deny a rumour.
al-'ra3a tatabahha bisha3r bint ukhtaha>
Literal translation: The bald person will find pride in the hair of her
sister's daughter.
Hidden meaning: A person with a deficiency will try to make it up by
referring to a strength, no matter how remote.
Applicability: When someone tries to change the focus on their deficiency by
bringing up someone else's unrelated strength.
'ei3meil il Tayeib wi 'eirmiiH il baHr>
Literal translation: Do a good deed and throw it into the sea
Hidden Meaning: One should do good things without expecting a reward
Applicability: Advice for somebody to the right things even if it doesn't pay
Literal translation: Like a bride's mother, does nothing yet acts busy
Hidden Meaning: Not all those who act as being over worked are actually so!
Applicability: Said about someone who does nothing yet acts busy, just like a
bride's mother on her daughter's wedding day
Literal translation: The thief has a feather on his head
Hidden Meaning: One can always spot the guilty (this is in a Goha story)
Applicability: Hinting about somebody's wrong doing!
Literal translation: Whatever begins with stipulations (clear conditions) ends
up in the light (clear)
Hidden Meaning: Conditions clear at the outset lead to better results
Applicability: Said to somebody to dictate conditions
Literal translation: An absent person has his excuse
Hidden Meaning: Don't jump to conclusions
Applicability: Don't blame someone not present until you hear his/her side of
the story
Literal translation: Beating a dead person is a sin
Hidden Meaning: Don't beat a dead horse, it's a waste of effort
Applicability: It is unethical to attack someone who is unable to defend
Literal translation: What is past is dead
Hidden Meaning: Forget the past; open a new page
Applicability: Obvious
Literal translation: Patience is the key to release
Hidden Meaning: Be patient
Applicability: Obvious
Literal translation: Man thinks, God takes care of things
Hidden Meaning: Man proposes, God disposes
Applicability: Do what you can and leave the rest for God to take care of
Literal translation: Work my slave and I'll work with you
Hidden Meaning: Luck comes to those who work hard to get it
Applicability: Do what you can and leave the rest for God to take care of
< el-GHawi yena'aT be Ta'eituh >
Literal translation: He who wants something will pay for it with his hat
Hidden meaning: if you want something badly enough, you'll give
your most precious possessions for it.
Applicability: Obvious
<'asma3 kalamak 'asada'ak, 'ashoof umurak 'asta3geb>
Literal translation: I believe what you say, I'm surprised at what you do.
Hidden meaning: your words contradict your actions.
Applicability: when someone's actions contradict his speech, i.e.
doesn't practice what he preaches.
<'eza kan el-kalam min faDah fa el-sukoot min dahab>
Literal translation: if speech is silver, silence is gold.
Hidden meaning: silence will always be of more value than talk.
Applicability: when someone's speech is meaningless/damaging.
Literal translation: after he grew old, they sent him to school
Hidden meaning: you can't teach old dogs new tricks!
Applicability: when an old person starts a new fade
Literal translation: relatives are spiders.
Hidden meaning: sometimes a relative's bite is worse than a spider's.
Applicability: when someone is hurt by own relatives.
Literal translation: an unemployed hand is a dirty hand.
Hidden meaning: work is part of being religious.
Applicability: Obvious
el-faDi ye3mel 'aDi>
Literal translation: who he isn't busy acts like a judge.
Hidden meaning: if someone has nothing useful to do, he'll spend
his time/energy judging others.
Applicability: Obvious
Khayran te3mel, Sharan telka>
Literal translation: You do good and what you get back is evil.
Hidden meaning: None
Applicability: When you offer someone a favor and instead of thanking you
s/he behaves badly towards you.
El-felous ma3a El-tious>
Literal translation: Money goes to peacocks
Hidden meaning: Some people get what they don't deserve
Applicability: used by unwealthy to justify why others are richer?
3alem fie El-metbalem yesbahh nassi>
Literal translation: Whatever you teach a stupid person, he will forget.
Hidden meaning: A stupid is a stupid!
Applicability: There is no hope trying to convince a stupid/stubborn
El-3ein Sabtny wa Rab El-3arsh naganny>
Literal Translation: Those evil persons' eyes envied me, but God protected me.
Hidden Meaning: Believe in God power
Applicability: Obvious
Ya Naas Ya Shaar Kefayah Qarr>
Literal Translation: Oh you bad persons, stop envying me!
Hidden Meaning: None
Applicability: Inscripted on the back bumper of almost all Taxis in Egypt :-)
El-dafaa 3afa wel bard lahhaas el-qafa>
Literal Translation: Warmth is great while coldness licks the back of the neck
Hidden Meaning: None
Applicability: When it is cold and you want to warm-up yourself :-)
elli malosh dahr yendereb 3ala batnoh>
Literal translation: he, withoout a back will be hit on the stomeck
Hidden meaning: those without contacts in high places will suffer most.
Applicability: Obvious
fi el-ta'anni el-salama, we fi el-'agalah el-nadama>
Literal translation: safety is in caution/slowness, and regret is in haste.
Hidden meaning: take your time and don't rush.
Applicability: Advice to someone not to hurry up or push his/her luck
KHeiru el-berr 3ageluhu>
Literal translation: the best good deed/charity is a quick one.
Hidden meaning: if you plan on doing a good deed, do it promptly.
Applicability: Obvious
ya KHabar befloos, bukrah yeb'a bebalash>
Literal translation: the costly news of today, will be free tomorrow.
Hidden meaning: the secrets of today will, in time, be common knowledge.
Applicability: when someone is going out of his way to find out
about something.
elli yetgawwez ummi, 'a'ool luh ya 3ammi>
Literal translation: whoever marries my mother, I'll call him uncle
Hidden meaning: you should make peace with people whom you're forced to
deal with (or perhaps who will have authority over you?)
Applicability: Obvious
Literal translation: the miserable got together with the hopeless.
Hidden meaning: no good can come out of such a union.
Applicability: To criticize two loosers who decide to join efforts!
Literal translation: you try to trap him, he traps you instead!
Hidden meaning: You'd better watch out
Applicability: when you try to do something to someone, and he does it
to you.
fi el-wesh merayah, we fi el-'afa sellayah>
Literal translation: a mirror to your face, and a ??? behind your back.
Hidden meaning: a double-faced person
Applicability: to describe a person who pretends to be your friend
then hurts you when you're not looking.
en fatak el-meeri, etmaraGH fi turabuh>
Literal translation: If you miss the official appointment try hard to get it!
Hidden meaning: always look for an employment with the governoment.
Applicability: praise the security and cushiness of a governmental job (not
anymore I guess)!
ya baKHt men kan el-naKeeb KHalu>
Literal translation: Lucky is he who has a Sargeant for an uncle.
Hidden meaning: it helps to have relatives in positions of power
Applicability: to comment on somebody's connections
KHud men el-tall, yeKHtal>
Literal translation: if you take from the hill, it'll shake.
Hidden meaning: Large reserves can disappear
Applicability: Usually used to describe the situation of having a sum
of money, you spend from it, it diminishes.
al-mit3alem fil-mitbalem yisbahh naasi..wa-l-mitbakhar bil-3ud yisbah faasi
Awwal ma shaTaH naTaH
Lit. As soon as he got out, he started butting with his horns.
Meaning: As soon as he learned how to do something he started making
el-Tab3 lil-qabr
Lit. Nature is to the grave.
People's nature doesn't change ever.
on a similar note:
el-Gillah asbah karamellah?
Lit. Did the sheep manure turn to caramel?
Don't expect a bad person to suddenly turn good. .
Two more, though I'm not sure they're proverbs or just sayings;
Ardabbi ma hu lak
Ma tiHdDarsh keyloh
Tighabbar da'nak
wa-yilzamak sheyloh
Lit. This is my measuring bucket (actually about 200 liters), not yours,
Don't watch while I'm measuring
you'll get dust in your beard
and then you'll have to carry it (the ardabb)
In other words, just mind your own business
Last one for now:
Ya Talib el-samnah min bizz el-namlah, Hurimat minnak el-ta'liyah.
Oh you who are trying to get samnah from the breast of an ant, you
won't be able to fry anything.
Said to someone who is really stingy.
Literal translation: Don't argue with a stupid person, nor allow him to
argue with you.
Hidden meaning: None... It is quite explicit, and self explanatory!!
Applicability: Hopefully on EN... one day.
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